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CHINESE WALLS (Novel 1994) It's the sixties. U.S. sailors on R&R prowl the streets of the waterfront in Hong Kong where the Indonesian-Chinese Hsu family lives. "What's a prostitute?" nine-year old Ai-Lin asks her older brother Philip who is horrified she knows the word. Eldest brother Paul tries to explain about the girls with the "orange hair" Ai-Lin has seen next door at Chung King Mansion.  This controversial first novel launched the author's career in Asia.

DAUGHTERS OF HUI (Novella/Stories 1996) This collection of a novella and three stories was named one of the top ten "best books of Asia" of 1996 and won wide critical acclaim. Reviewers say the author "addresses the prudery of Confucian values," remark "the streak of mischief in the tapestry of her story line," and describe the work as "arrestingly poignant."

Chinese Walls & Daughters of Hui

  • Chinese Walls (novel) originally published 1994

    Daughters of Hui (novella & stories) originally published 1996

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